Demal Expertises

Secteur :Agro-alimentaire
Entrepreneur :Djénabou Diallo
Date de création :2020
En portefeuille depuis :2022

Demal Expertises is a company that specializes in the transformation of cocoa into chocolate, cocoa powder, cocoa butter and roasted beans under the brand Zeïna Cacao.

A company lead by Djénabou Diallo

Demal Expertises was created in 2020 by Djénabou Diallo, an agronomist and specialist in the coffee-cocoa sector. This young entrepreneur is recognized for her commitment to the cocoa sector and to female entrepreneurship. She has a strong knowledge of production techniques and masters the cocoa value chain in Guinea.

Partnership with Gola Capital 

Demal Expertises is supported by Gola Capital through I&P Acceleration in Sahel. The main objective of this partnership is to :

  • Upgrade the production line
  • Setting up the company’s new premises
  • Support the company in strengthening the technical skills of its human capital
  • Assure the supply of raw materials by establishing a network of suppliers